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Pentru o predare mai rapida a kit-urilor de participare te rugam sa printezi declarația pe propria raspundere si sa vi cu ea semnata la fata locului:


   AsociaÈ›ia Sportiva Montana Banat, with headquarters in Glimboca, Principala street, no. 89, Caras-Severin County, non-profit organization, non-governmental, non-profit or commercial and without employees.


    Scorilo Sky Race is a sports event for amateurs and professionals in order to promote mountain running in Poiana Marului Caras-Severin, Romania .

    Few places in the world are measured, in beauty and mystery with Scorilo's country. From here, on the north-western hills of the Tarcu Mountains, from Poiana Marului and Valea Bistrei, Scorilo began his work of reunifying the Dacian state. A land that, according to popular tradition, developed under the influence of the old Kogaionon, the sacred mountain of the Dacians, identified as the Gugu peak in the Godeanu Mountains.

    his son, the hero-king of Dacia, Decebalus (87-1-6), always lasted. 


The competition consists of 4 races:  


1. Tarcu Maraton - 44 km and 2653 accumulated alt difference

2.  Muntele Mic Semimaraton - 26 km and accumulated 1100 alt difference

3. Cros-ul La Mesteceni - 12 km si 579 diferența de nivel

4. Cros-ul Poiana marului 6 km and 150 level diference.


The route consists mainly of marked tourist trails as such, local trails, forest roads and paved public roads, and will be signaled by organizers with marking lanes and / or directional arrows._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d

The information regarding the Scorilo Sky Race route, the location of the control points, hydration and feeding, the GPS track in .gpx format, the altitude profile will be found on the association's website:


The location of the event is in Poiana Marului, Caras-Severin County - on the Pine Hill plateau.

The routes are of medium difficulty for this type of competition, so for athletes trained and experienced in mountain running competitions do not present special or unusual difficulties or risks in good weather conditions. Due to the specifics of the competition, the risks of the routes must be well known and never underestimated



Scorilo Sky Race is aimed at both professional and adult athletes and exceptionally  minors with limited exercise capacity - only with the consent of parents, trained for this type of effort, clinically healthy, experienced, team in accordance with this Regulation, and with good knowledge of field guidance in both normal and low visibility conditions - with and / or without a map or by any technical means of guidance - in order to cover a safe mountain route.

Participants are required to know the rules of the Scorilo Sky Race, thus signing the declaration of participation on their own responsibility in the competition and to participate in the technical meeting to acquire all the information provided by the organizer regarding the race.

Competitors must demonstrate fair play, understand and accept that no matter how many safety measures the organizer takes, they are not and cannot be covered by all risks arising from the nature of the competition, the environment and the conditions in which it takes place.

Involvement of persons in a state of intoxication, in convalescence, under the influence of psychotropic or narcotic substances and medically unfit, including pregnancy, is prohibited.



Scorilo Sky Race participants must be well acquainted with their physical and mental limits in accordance with the distance and difficulty of the competition routes, to dose their effort so as to cover the chosen route on their own within the time limit proposed by the organizer.

Scorilo Sky Race participants are responsible for providing nutrition and hydration throughout the competition, and the feeding and hydration points provided by the organizer will have a limited range of food and fluids for hydration, and will not provide the customized requirements for each competitor. . The supply of competitors at the supply points is done at their own risk, they having the responsibility of choosing the nature, quantity and frequency of supply and hydration.

To participate in the Scorilo Sky Race, each participant is responsible for assessing their own fitness and health, thus assuming full responsibility for the knowledge and non-declaration of pre-existing medical conditions that would lead to a ban on the right to compete safely, in relation to physical integrity and / or life, both for oneself and for the other participants.


There will be Checkpoints (PC), Power (PA) and Hydration Points (PH) on the route, as follows:


CROSS -  12 km and 600 level difference

Km 6 – 1. PA+PC+PH

Sky Race

1.  Tarcu Maraton Race, 44 km and 2600 level difference :

  • Km 8 PC,PH,PA

  • Km 11 PC,PH

  • Km 18 PC, PH, PA

  • Km 24 PH

  • Km 26 PC,PH,PA

  • Km 32 PC,PH,PA

  • Km 40 PC,PH,PA

2.  Muntele Mic Race 26 km, 1100 level difference.

  • Km 8 PH, PA

  • Km 11 PC,PH

  • Km 18 PC, PH, PA

3. CROSS -  12 km and 600 level difference.

     Km 6 – 1. PA+PC+PH


Competitors are required to go through all checkpoints. Otherwise they will be disqualified.



Registration for the Scorilo Sky Race is done exclusively online on the page:



Participation contribution:

Children's race:

  • free of charge


  • 100 lei until 30.07.2022

Sky Race:

  • 160 lei until 30.07.2022


The participation contribution is used in full to cover the expenses of the award ceremony, the organization of the start / finish area, the supply / hydration points, the promotional materials, medals and trophies, the start kits, as well as the sanitation, repairs and rehabilitation of event areas.


The cancellation of the registration is announced by email at

Until 30.07.2022, the fee is refunded in the amount of 50%. After this date the tax is not refunded as there are the following options:

- picking up the participation kit with a copy of the identity card by another person.

- transfer of registration to another participant. The registration can be transferred to another person by sending an e-mail, the confirmation written by e-mail from the organizers represents the validation of the new registration.


In case of withdrawal from the race the participation fee will not be refunded.




Men's Open - Top 3 places »product awards


Women's Open - first 3 places »product awards


Sky race

Men's Open - First 3 places »cash prizes 

Age categories: 18-35, 36-49, 50+ »prizes in products


Women's Open - first 3 places - cash prizes

Age categories: 18-35, 36-49, 50+ »prizes in products


Competitors who placed on the podium at OPEN will not be awarded in the age category.



The routes of the Scorilo Sky Race are not additionally arranged and protected by the organizer, so there is a risk of injury and / or death due to common hazards in such activities. These include, but are not limited to: vehicle collisions, lightning, hail, snow, fog, storms, floods, wild and / or domestic animal attacks, insect and / or reptile bites, rock falls, rocks, trees, landslides, falls, slips, fractures, sprains or dislocations, physical exhaustion, hypoglycemia, aggravation of pre-existing medical problems (unknown or undeclared by participants), injuries, frostbite, dehydration, etc.

All participants should be aware that the hazards that may arise or may occur during the event may be different and different from those listed above, for example.


The organizer cannot fully present all the risks and dangers that the competition could involve considering the type, the natural and wild environment in which it takes place, as well as the particularities of each competitor. For this reason, the organizers do not assume responsibility for the manner in which the participants are made aware of the potential dangers or risks.


If a competitor is unable to continue driving or is moving too slowly to finish the competition safely, he will contact the nearest checkpoint, where the organizer and / or the Mountain Rescue team will decide how to evacuate or withdrawal, depending on his physical and / or mental condition.


In case of: injury, hypothermia, exhaustion, hypoglycemia, or other medical conditions that will not allow travel, the competitor will inform as soon as possible, both other participants in the immediate vicinity and volunteers, the organizer or the Mountain Rescue service to the printed numbers on the competition number, or even 112, as the case may be.


During the competition the road traffic on the sections of road open to road traffic will not be restricted, also on the routes of the competition you can meet tourists and / or animals. Participants have the obligation to comply with the rules of conduct in traffic imposed by law on the sections open to road traffic.


The organizer cannot guarantee the full safety of the participants in the competition, namely the Tarcu Mountains, who compete independently as independent athletes, trained and experienced for this type of activity in compliance with this regulation. 

The safety measures taken by the organizer for the rapid intervention in hard-to-reach mountain areas were taken by the involvement of the Mountain Rescue service, and on the routes the volunteers from the checkpoints will ensure the emergency evacuation with personal cars and / or call the nearest ambulance service. number 112.


There will be a first aid point in Iepii Saddle, where specialized medical service will be provided in case of need.


Runners are responsible for participating in the race, the organizer does not assume any obligation in case a competitor is injured, dies and / or other consequences occur due to participation in this competition.


Scorilo Sky Race is organized in close collaboration with the Caras-Severin County Mountain Rescue Public Service. On the routes will be present representatives of the Public Mountain Rescue Service of Caras-Severin County who have the role of identifying and intervening in any situations that may endanger the safety of competitors. Competitors have the obligation to submit directly and without contestation to any of their recommendations or decisions, with the risk of elimination from the competition.

Additional recommendations will be made at the technical meeting.



Required equipment:

1.     contest number

  1. energy bars and / or energy gels

  2. water bottle at least 500 ml

  3. rain and wind




Recommended equipment:

1.     trekking poles

2.     hat / headband / buff

3.     track on watch / phone



Mandatory equipment can be supplemented by the organizers at the technical meeting with other items from the list of recommended equipment depending on the weather.


The equipment will be checked at the start and randomly during the race and at the finish. Missing one or more items in the required equipment will result in disqualification.




Saturday 03.09.2022

10:00 Children's race

12:00 Hound Saddle Hiking

18:00 Pasta Party


Sunday 03.09.2022

09:00 Scorilo Sky race 30 Km

10:00 Cross 


Depending on weather conditions and / or unforeseen events, changes may occur that will be announced by the organizers.

In case of changes in this program, they will be announced by the organizers in a timely manner on all communication channels: e-mail, facebook page, competition website.




Before, during and after the contest, photos and videos can be taken with the contestants and / or spectators of the event. By registering and participating in the Scorilo Sky Race, they implicitly accept that the materials may be used by the organizers in making videos, collages, covers and / or other advertising products to promote the contest and the Tarcu Mountains.

Also, if any participant wants to be removed from the photo / video material posted on social media (facebook / instagram / site), they will have to make a written request to the organizers with the identification of the photos and in which it appears and requesting their removal . 


If a competitor is unable to continue driving or is moving too slowly to finish the competition safely, he will contact the nearest checkpoint, where the organizer and / or the Mountain Rescue team will decide how to evacuate or withdrawal, depending on his physical and / or mental condition.


In case of: injury, hypothermia, exhaustion, hypoglycemia, or other medical conditions that will not allow travel, the competitor will inform as soon as possible, both other participants in the immediate vicinity and volunteers, the organizer or the Mountain Rescue service to the printed numbers on the competition number, or even 112, as the case may be.


The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any participant if they do not comply with this regulation or in one of the following situations:

· _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     loss or change of competition number;

· _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     non-compliance with the route;

· The use of a means of transport during the race;

· _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     leaving the equipment on the route;

· _Cc781905-5c-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5c-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

· _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     failure to provide assistance to another competitor;

· _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     disrespect to other competitors, volunteers;

· _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     they can receive food and energy drinks from fans and spectators;

· _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     Exceeding the announced time limit announced.





The organizers reserve the right to change routes at any time, route changes will be announced in advance.

The organizers reserve the right to cancel / postpone the race in exceptional cases provided that all participants are notified in advance.

In case of unfavorable weather conditions and / or other special conditions, the organizers reserve the right to stop the race.

In case of force majeure, by this we mean any event that could influence the smooth running of the event such as: natural disasters, major floods, or major political events that cause the organizers to cancel the competition, the participation fee will not be refunded, another date will be set for the competition.

Image by Markus Spiske
Implica-te: Get Involved
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